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AI technologies for eCommerce - The Commerce Show

This is a podcast episode from The Commerce Show. 

Original description from The Commerce Show: 

In this episode, we are talking about AI technologies for eCommerce. Guillaume Chevalier has been working in artificial intelligence for over 7 years now and has been involved in over 57 machine learning projects. 

We cover several applications of AI in the eCommerce industry such as Personalized shopping experience, Sales/Inventory forecasting, Automated customer service/chatbots, Visual search and powerful synonyms search, Price optimization, Understanding customers better (persona) and Recommendation algorithms. 

After the first 30 minutes to talk about eCommerce, we also talk a bit deeper about AI from a developer point of view. Guillaume explains why he decided to develop Neuraxle an AI framework for machine learning projects over the years. Guillaume is also giving tips about « How to start and plan an AI transformation for a non-tech business. » 

This podcast is amazing and you’ll discover Guillaume's passion for eCommerce, ML (machine learning) and NPL (natural language processing). 

Listen to the full podcast: 


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